
The Template
	black - Don't Change!!!
       	  red - you change it.
        green - there to help you.  Don't Change.

 // NOR means Number Of Rooms
 // change NOR to however many rooms there are.

NOR = 100;
 Description.resize(NOR + 1);
 Objects.resize(NOR + 1);
 RObjects.resize(NOR + 1);
 People.resize(NOR + 1);
 Exits.resize(NOR + 1);

 //Object list  <-- you should generally leave this one alone
 //a tattered book
 //. . .
 //People list  <-- NPCs (Non Playable Characters)
 //a louse-ridden beggar
 //. . .

 //RObject list <-- RObjects can't leave the room
 // a stone bench
 // a clear fountain
 //. . . 
 //Set room number
 RoomNumber = 1 ;
 NOO = 1;
 Objects[RoomNumber][1]="a tattered book";
 //end testing
 //make sure that each line in the description stays under 60 characters!
 // that's this long --->   "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 
 Description[RoomNumber] = "(Elisandre City, City Square)" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "You find yourself at the very center of the city.  Looming" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "in the middle if the square is a massive marble fountain." + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "A stone bench sits in front of the entrance to City Hall." + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "Various people bustle their way around it, no doubt with some" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "urgent business to which they must attend." + x + "~";  
 //set Number Of Room Objects  
 NORO = 2;
 //set what those Objects are  
 RObjects[RoomNumber][1]="a stone bench";
 RObjects[RoomNumber][2]="a clear fountain";
 //Set Number of People (NPCs)  
 NOP = 1;
 People[RoomNumber][1]="a louse-ridden beggar";
 Description[RoomNumber] += WordWrap(DispList(People[RoomNumber], RoomNumber), "In the room you see");
 Description[RoomNumber] += WordWrap(DispList(Objects[RoomNumber], RoomNumber), "On the floor you see");
 //Set Number of Exits  
 NOE = 5;
 //Exits [RoomNumber][Exitnumber]="command";
 //Destination [RoomNumber][Dnumber]="SectorNumber";
 //Make sure Exitnumber is equal to Dnumber!!!
 //Also make sure that all is lowercase.  
 Exits [RoomNumber][1]="go city hall";
 Exits [RoomNumber][2]="e";
 Exits [RoomNumber][3]="s";
 Exits [RoomNumber][4]="sw";
 Exits [RoomNumber][5]="go fountain";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "Exits : East, South, and Southwest." + x + "~";


 RoomNumber = 2;
 //make sure that each line in the description stays under 60 characters!
 // that's this long --->   "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
 Description[RoomNumber] =  "(Elisandre City, City Hall - Atrium)" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "You are in the main entryway to the building from which" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "the pulse of the city begins.  A great vaulted ceiling" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "is supported by massive marble and slate columns.  The room" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "is kept bright with great glass windows during the day and " + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "hundreds of candles during the night." + x + "~";
 //set Number of Movable Objects <-- leave this alone
 //set Number Of Room Objects
 NORO = 0;
 //Set Number of People (NPCs)
 NOP = 0;
 Description[RoomNumber] += WordWrap(DispList(People[RoomNumber], RoomNumber), "In the room you see");
 Description[RoomNumber] += WordWrap(DispList(Objects[RoomNumber], RoomNumber), "On the floor you see");
 //Set Number of Exits
 NOE = 1;
 //Exits [RoomNumber][Exitnumber]="command";
 //Destination [RoomNumber][Dnumber]="SectorNumber";
 //Make sure Exitnumber is equal to Dnumber!!!
 //Also make sure that all is lowercase.

 Exits [RoomNumber][1]="out";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "Exits : Out." + x + "~";
 RoomNumber = 3;

 // -- movable objects (should be omitted.  Don't bother with unless you have a good reason to)
 NOO = 1 ;
 Objects[RoomNumber][1]="a/an adjective object";

 //make sure that each line in the description stays under 60 characters!
 // that's this long --->   "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
 Description[RoomNumber] = "(Sector/City,street/building/square)" + x + "~";
 Description[RoomNumber] += "Description." + x + "~";
 //copy and paste the above line as many times as needed.
 //set Number Of Room Objects
 NORO = 1;
 //set what those Objects are
 RObjects[RoomNumber][1]="a/an adjective object";
 //Set Number of People (NPCs) -- for most of your rooms, you shouldn't have any people.
 NOP = 1;

 People[RoomNumber][1]="a/an adjective persontitle";
 Description[RoomNumber] += WordWrap(DispList(People[RoomNumber], RoomNumber), "In the room you see");
 Description[RoomNumber] += WordWrap(DispList(Objects[RoomNumber], RoomNumber), "On the floor you see");
 //Set Number of Exits
 NOE = 2;

 //Destination [RoomNumber][Dnumber]="Sector+Number"; (all of your Sectors should be the same)
 //Make sure Exitnumber is equal to Dnumber!!!
 //Also make sure that all is lowercase.
 //Exits [RoomNumber][Exitnumber]="command"; (i.e. "go stairs" or "s", s means south, e means east, etc...)
 //If a command is something like "climb ladder", make sure that you give a clue in the description of a room --
 //For instance, you might mention there being a wooden ladder hanging from the roof, etc...

 Exits [RoomNumber][1]="e";
 Exits [RoomNumber][2]="w";

 Description[RoomNumber] += "Exits : East and West." + x + "~";
 // these can be: North, South, East, West, Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, and out.